Kajabi vs Podia: The Unexpected Winner for Course Creators in 2024

Podia and Kajabi stand out as top online platforms for creators looking to build and sell their digital products, courses, and membership sites. These platforms are popular in the knowledge commerce business, offering a variety of features and customization options. While considering your choice, it’s crucial to understand how these platforms work. This comparison guide aims to provide details about Kajabi vs Podia, helping you decide the best software for your needs.

  • Podia: Affordable, user-friendly, ideal for beginners and individuals with a tighter budget. Limited in features but offers ease of use.
  • Kajabi: More expensive, feature-rich, suited for medium-sized businesses. It offers advanced tools but has a more complex interface.

Kajabi Vs Podia


kajabi vs podia
Credit Podia

Podia is the best online course platform that helps people make money from their skills. It’s great for online businesses that want to sell courses, memberships, or digital downloads. The platform has excellent tools like webinars and community forums. This makes it easy for users to teach and connect with others. Podia is user-friendly, making it a good choice for everyone, whether you’re just starting or have been doing this for a while.

Podia's Pros and Cons

Podia is excellent because it’s easy to use and not too pricey. You don’t pay extra when you sell something; it has a good sales funnel builder for your online shop. They help a lot with customer support and have helpful guides. You can create courses at your own pace without worrying about running out of space. But Podia doesn’t have a mobile app, and you can’t make a community area for your customers. There’s no free plan. Also, Podia doesn’t have quizzes and assessments.


Credit: Kajabi

Nowadays, Kajabi is not just an online course platform. It’s packed with powerful marketing tools to help online businesses grow. You can create funnels and landing pages that look professional. Also, Kajabi offers community forums and memberships, making building a community around your content accessible. The analytics feature helps you optimize everything so you know what works best. Kajabi is an excellent choice if you’re serious about growing your online business and want tools to help you.

Kajabi's Pros and Cons

Kajabi is the best because it has many admirable themes and good customer support. You can make a whole website, build an online community, and add quizzes and assessments. It’s also suitable for creating a blog and has an app for both Android and iOS. Kajabi offers many subscription options as well. You can use your custom domain, too. There’s no free plan, and the transaction fee can be high. They do not give you unlimited space or handle EU VAT for you. 

Also Read: Kartra vs Kajabi

Podia Vs. Kajabi: Things to Consider

Considering the platform feature is essential when choosing between Podia and Kajabi for building your course. So, let’s discuss them in detail.

Kajabi Vs Podia: Course Builder

When you compare Kajabi and Podia as online course-building platforms, each has unique strengths. Kajabi offers modern course builders that allow for detailed organizing of your material. This includes creating quizzes, structuring courses with titles, categories, and media, plus adding assessment tools. It’s a comprehensive choice, especially with features like thumbnail image customization and live instruction capabilities. Plus, Kajabi lets you drip your course content over time.

On the other hand, Podia presents a more basic yet efficient course builder. If you’re building an Online Course, Podia simplifies adding lessons. It might not be more advanced than Kajabi’s LMS, but it does the job effectively.

Kajabi Vs Podia: Community

The community part of a course matters. It helps with course completion rates and makes students happier. Having a community means more excitement and involvement from learners. Both Podia and Kajabi know this, so they have community features. These features let members make accounts, post, and discuss. They can find different topics and join discussions. Users can share text or video content to help each other.

Also Read: Kartra vs Kajabi

Kajabi Vs Podia: Marketing

Both Podia and Kajabi have great tools to help you market your course. Kajabi has more options that you can change to fit what you need. You can make landing pages quickly and set up email campaigns to boost sales. Kajabi also has funnel systems to help you sell your course better. They pay attention to small things, like allowing you to sell more after someone buys something or sending messages to people who leave things in their cart.

Podia is more simple but still very useful. It lets you send emails, set up campaigns, and check how many people open your emails and click on things. Podia lets you make coupons and work with affiliates to sell your course. It’s less detailed than Kajabi but less expensive and still works well.

Also Read: Kajabi vs Teachable

Kajabi Vs Podia: Access

Talking about accessibility, let’s look at how Kajabi and Podia do with their mobile applications. Kajabi has an app for iOS and Android, making it easy for users to access their courses on their phones. The app works well but only has some of the community features.

Podia, however, doesn’t have an app. This is a downside, especially for individuals who only sometimes use laptops. Having an app means you can reach more people with your products and courses, no matter how they go online.

Kajabi Vs Podia: Price

When it comes to price, Kajabi and Podia stand differently. Kajabi, being a more comprehensive platform, tends to be more expensive. For example, if you pay upfront, their Growth plan might cost around $1,908/year. That’s a lot, mainly before selling your first course. Even compared to competitors, Kajabi’s price is almost twice as high.

On the other hand, Podia is seen as a more limited product but much more affordable. Starting at about $33/mo on a yearly plan, it offers a budget-friendly option for those just beginning. While it may not have all the bells and whistles of Kajabi, its pricing is a big draw for many, especially when you’re just getting your feet wet in the online course world.

Also Read: Thinkific vs. Kajabi

Final Thoughts

Choosing between Kajabi and Podia depends on what you, as a creator, need and want. Both platforms have lots to offer. Podia might be your pick if you’re looking for something that doesn’t limit your creation based on your tier. It got a Creator Friendliness score of 90.91, higher than Kajabi’s 68.83. This score means you’ll find it easier to set up your courses and manage your community on Podia.

But the best thing about Kajabi is its outstanding student experience. They make course delivery good with their tools. Kajabi feels like a world-class program. They have superior funnel-building and email systems. This makes Kajabi a complete platform to sell and market your online course. Also, Kajabi has a community of fellow creators. You can get help or learn the best way to share your products. 

Choosing between these platforms can be challenging, but it depends on your preference. Ultimately, it’s about what works best for your unique goals.

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